#Yellow and Purple – Wordless Wednesday

Yellow and purple are complimentary colors
Common in the first flowers of spring – like crocus
and Hyacinths
Which contrasts nicely with yellow daffodils
Cheerful pansies in bright
and pale shades
Violets sprinkled across the lawn
make the dandelions look sunny
Bright purple vinca stands out
as does the regal purple iris.
And last but not least forsythia – the welcome sign of spring!

22 thoughts on “#Yellow and Purple – Wordless Wednesday

  1. www.rosesintherainmemoir.wordpress.com says:

    Delightful color combination, blue and yellow, especially now as we pray for Ukraine. My early spring colors at my front porch entrance are blue and yellow, too. By now, most of the yellows have faded but the blue muscari still holds forth with her blues. Soon, the deep burgundy red peonies will take over, their buds now big round green balls.

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    • Joni says:

      I never thought of the Ukrainian colors, but that’s true. I could have added bluebells as they will be the next to flower and the lilacs too.


  2. Linda Schaub says:

    You certainly showed us what Spring looks like Joni and I’m surprised you found that much color given the Winter we never thought would end. I always liked yellow and purple combos, but never did them. A neighbor had yellow and purple petunias only in her yard years ago – it looked fabulous. I saw a lawn today while walking that was full of violets like you showed here, but amazingly, hardly a blade of grass, just violets. Our dandelions, vibrant just a week or ten days ago, are already going to seed.


  3. J P says:

    Beautiful pictures, but I could have done without the one of the wild violets in the grass. Those things are trying to take over my lawn and are extremely hard to kill.

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