#Signs of Summer – Wordless Wednesday

Let your photo(s) tell your story.

The first trip to the DQ for a milkshake.
Because you need fuel to do all that gardening.
Scheduling a pedicure with the best nail polish ever.
For that first walk on the beach.
Grabbing an ice cream cone
Shaw’s – a tub full of happiness – where have you been all my life?
While watching the seagulls and the waves roll in.
Opening all the windows and airing out the house.
Smelling the first roses of the season – look at all the buds.
Tasting the first strawberries – don’t forget to wear your hat! Happy Summer!

24 thoughts on “#Signs of Summer – Wordless Wednesday

    • Joni says:

      Ally, the Inst-Dry one is great….it dries quickly, doesn’t chip and lasts about a month. I only bother in sandal season but like the nice bright colors. I had a professional pedicure once, and what ever brand they used smeared and chipped and was a total waste of money.

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    • Joni says:

      I have to admit I cheated as most of the photos are old ones from last year except for the gardening ones. It’s almost 100 F here, unseasonably hot and humid and I just came in from watering for an hour and a half. Summer is early this year and I think it’s going to be a dry one, as the storm clouds come but pass us by. I’m sure you know the feeling…


    • Joni says:

      Thank you! Most of them are old, except for the gardening ones as I’ve been so busy planting and watering etc that I didn’t have time for a post this week….now to sit back and enjoy the flowers.

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    • Joni says:

      A shake and a cone….but no not on the same day with me waiting to get my cholesterol rechecked! I like that Shaw’s ice cream as it isn’t too sweet, more like gelato. The roses are early this year, everything seems early….and needs watering as all those thunderstorms passed us by. Every year I ask myself why am I doing this….it takes me two hours to water the whole yard….


  1. Dave says:

    Thank you for that very first photo. Today is the hottest day of the year so far here in Colorado, so your milkshake somehow made me feel cooler. Now I need to find a DQ, and fast!

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  2. Linda Schaub says:

    All the delights of Summer you have captured in this post Joni – even if Summer doesn’t roll around for another nine days, it’s felt like mid-August for weeks now. I can’t remember the last milkshake, ice cream cone or scoop of ice cream I had. I had two close friends in high school who had Summer jobs at ice cream places, one a local dairy and the other a custard cone place, both where people line up for an entire City block for their “fix” – when I went in for ice cream cones, a triple would appear, even if not ordered. We didn’t go that much, but it was a treat. Your roses are gorgeous and the same color as that nailpolish – beautiful shades of pink for Summer and bare feet or sandals.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Joni says:

      Thanks Linda! Yes I agree, it feels like we’ve had summer for ages already. I’m bad for ice cream, if I buy it I eat it, or if I’m in town running errands and hungry I’ll stop for a DQ milkshake…..plus it’s one of the few places where the washroom is open! I worked on a WW blog on the roses for next week as I had so many pics, also one on the peonies, which have already come and gone.

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      • Linda Schaub says:

        We used to get Breyer’s ice cream, then my mom discovered frozen yogurt worked wonders for heartburn, so we got that instead. After giving up Pepcid AC when her doctor gave her a prescription for Prilosec, there were fewer bowls of frozen yogurt eaten. I really liked the roses – a gorgeous color Joni. I looked at my roses today. I just rinsed off the A/C grille on Tuesday from all that Poplar fuzz and it was back again, so had to wash it off and saw the roses. The pink shrub roses are now out – very pretty and delicate and should take some pictures of them. Do you use a hose reel? When I first started taking care of the yard in 1985, I bought a small metal hose reel at the nursery and a 100-foot hose. The hose reel was already put together and we bought a lot of shrubs as we were tearing up the old landscaping, so they delivered the shrubs, bark, hose and hose reel. I had that hose reel for 25 years and one day I was unwinding the hose and the reel fell off and just missed falling on my foot. I couldn’t find a comparable hose reel and so I ordered one from Gardener’s Supply. Had to have the handyman put it together as very complicated and had these big pneumatic tires on it. And he charged me $40.00 to do that! I had it two years and it fell apart all over … it was a waste of money and a disappointment after the other one that lasted 25 years. So now I have a wrought-iron hose hanger and don’t really care for it but my friend Carol recommended a hose reel that she uses and it was $125.00!! If I decide to start a garden again after I’m retired, I will treat myself to a new hose reel.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joni says:

        No I just have one of those wrought iron hose hangers. I have a 100 ft house for the back and just hang it on it or sometimes I coil it up and store it in a wooden garden planter box beside it (there will be a picture of it in my next Garden blog as I painted it a pretty turquoise). I wish I had a reel as I think it would be easier, but I had no idea they were that expensive, plus I’m not good if it has to be assembled.

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      • Linda Schaub says:

        I don’t really have the space for it in the garage. For years I kept the hose reel in Marge’s garage as she had/has a 1 1/2 car garage and had a compact car, so it was great. Now I bought a couple of squishy totes to put 50 feet in each. The hose reel Carol showed me was a three-wheeler and very compact. The coiled up idea is good – I worry about spiders and I have long rubber gloves in case one is sleeping and I disturb it when I uncoil the hose. I like the idea of the lightweight hoses – the handyman said if you get one, make sure it has brass fittings on it. My hose is 35 years old and in good condition. I had to have the handyman assemble the last one as I’m not good at that stuff either.

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  3. ruthsoaper says:

    Very summery! I’m not sure whether our local dairy queen opened this year or not. If they are they have reduced hours because whenever I drive by, usually before noon, they are not open. They still have a help wanted sign in the window and I suspect they like most businesses have not been able to find enough help even at $12 – $15 an hour.

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    • Joni says:

      We’re now in Stage one of Lockdown lifting so the DQ is still closed for indoor dining, but it’s open for takeout and one of the few places where you can go in and use the washroom!

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  4. J P says:

    Any post where 30% of it involves ice cream has got my vote!! We just finished off a carton of vanilla bean last night (with the last 2 slices of peach pie). But today you have me in the mood for some DQ.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Joni says:

      Peach pie! Way too early for that here. I just bought a flat of strawberries today for jam making tomorrow. Ice cream, esp. since I discovered that local Shaw’s brand is my downfall – and I say this as I await the results of a repeat cholesterol lab test. I may have to cut back to once a week….just when summer has arrived….

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